JavaScript (ReactJS) Junior/Mid level Developer –

gbWe are

software development and marketing team, based in Sarajevo, that offers you the whole deal. We build amazing things from scratch or improve already existing projects. Big enterprise projects, mobile apps or simple websites.. no matter what, our motto stays the same: quality first. These skills give us an advantage over our competition. We are, as the name states, simply ingenious.

We do

Mobile development

although our main specialty is Android, we also have skills in programming for other platforms like iOS or BlackBerry. Those who know the web, they also very well know that mobile technologies are the future

Web development

you name it, we make it. Always on pursue for cutting edge technologies we will build the web application you want


if you want to be recognized, then we can help you. By using simple strategies like Guerrilla marketing or full blown multimedia implementations we can make you and your company a competitive force in your industry

Education & Training

we think that acquiring and sharing knowledge is the way to improve both, lifestyle and business. We are always looking for fresh talents willing to learn. We are offering volunteering positions, programming courses (beginners or advanced) and project management (Waterfall or Agile). All you need is good will and endurance... The rest is hard work, only

Talent search

as Toptal Talent Partner, we are always on the lookout for new Talents that will join our Team and enrich our expertise.

Ovom prilikom prosledili su nam konkurs za poziciju:


  • Svoj CV pošaljite na:
  • U subjectu mejla naglasiti: Naziv pozicije i naziv škole (ITAcademy, BusinessAcademy, InternetAcademy i ITEP). 
  • Krajnji rok za prijavu je: 31.1.2018.
  • Samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće kontaktirani.


Citat dana

Ono što mi znamo je samo jedna kap - što ne znamo je okean.
Isak Njutn

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