Customer Success Coordinator i Reporting Coordinator – Sizmek

sizmekSizmek fuels digital advertising campaigns for advertisers and agencies around the world with the most cutting-edge technology to engage audiences across any screen.

For the last 15 years, Sizmek has proudly pioneered industry firsts in digital, including rich media, video and online targeted advertising across channels.

We live in the marketer’s world. They don’t build gadgets or spaceships (although that would be fun). What they do is arm agencies and brands with a super sharp toolset to deliver the most creative and competitive campaigns out there.

At Sizmek, they have a global heart, and it’s always pulsing. They work with more than 3,400 agencies, over 17,000 brand advertisers, and 22,000 global web publishers, and serve ads in more than 70 countries. They have nearly 900 humans across 48 countries. They are the world’s largest independent third-party ad server.

Ovom prilikom prosledili su nam konkurse za pozicije:


  • Link za prijavu se nalazi ovde.
  • U subjectu e-maila naglasite: naziv pozicije i naziv škole (ITAcademy, InternetAcademy, BusinessAcademy, FSU ili ITS).
  • Krajnji rok za prijavu je: 14. 7. 2018.
  • Samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće kontaktirani.


Citat dana

Neznanje je uvek spremno da se samo sebi divi.
Nikola Boalo

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