Business and Economics Teachers – Savremena International School

issConceived as a place where students learn about the world around them in a creative and modern way, Savremena International School is an inspiring environment for ambitious young people who strive towards high academic goals. Teaching creatively by using new technologies on a daily basis, we strive to develop critical thinking, encourage new ideas and support the development of both knowledge and skills.

We need teachers who are elite without being elitist and who can rightly serve as role models to their students by honouring work habits, responsibility, ethics and academic aspiration. If you see yourself as a teacher who is willing to contribute to our school ethos and our mission, apply for a job:


  • Please send your CV and motivational letter to
  • Subject: Position name
  • Deadline: 24. 3. 2018.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Citat dana

Ono što mi znamo je samo jedna kap - što ne znamo je okean.
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