Android Developer, Front-end Web Developer, iOS Developer, System Administrator (DevOps) i UX/UI Designer/Director – MoreScreens

msMoreScreens is an established Research & Development company specialized in Multi-Screen Video Delivery solutions and services. We combine industry-leading technology with own set of  products  to help customers build outstanding and profitable Video over IP platforms, for any purpose, on any device.

Our Multi-Screen Video Service Delivery Platform - Spectar+ is founded on a technology platform that brings all operational tasks  in a single centralized platform for simplified management, efficient reporting and more actionable results.

MoreScreens is managed by staff with over 15 years of experience in Video over IP business. We have customers of all sizes, ranging from small to large enterprise, all of which know they need a professional solution to run mission critical services and generate revenue streams.

Our core values are a journey of consistent progress with excellence & balance, integrity, creativity and competence.

Ovom prilikom prosljedili su nam konkurs za pozicije:


  • Svoj CV pošaljite na:

  • U subjectu mejla naglasiti: Naziv pozicije

  • Krajnji rok za prijavu je: 11. 1. 2018.

  • Samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće kontaktirani.


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